Bundy has not paid his grazing fees for two decades out of a dispute with the federal agency and its enforcement of the Endangered Species Act. Bundy has claimed the taxes he pays to Nevada are sufficient and that the land should be regulated by the state of Nevada.

Cooper david
Managing Editor / Progressive Cattle

BLM says Bundy has been ordered by the courts to pay his fees and resulting late fines and penalties, which it claims now total close to $1 million.

The dispute took a violent turn in April, when armed BLM officers rounded up Bundy’s cattle, killing some of them; while armed militia came to defend Bundy before national TV news audiences. The cattle were eventually returned, but BLM insists it will enforce the court order to seize his cattle.

Asked “What’s your opinion of the Cliven Bundy-BLM standoff in Nevada?” forty-seven percent of those responding said, “I support neither. Bundy’s arguments are flawed and the BLM’s power is excessive.” Another 32 percent said “I support the BLM. Bundy should pay his grazing fees like other ranchers on public land.

Only 21 percent said they supported Bundy, saying “He has valid arguments for public grazing and against federal power.”  end mark


What's your opinion of the Cliven Bundy-BLM standoff in Nevada?

  • I support Bundy. He has valid arguments for public grazing and against federal power: 21.7%

  • I support the BLM. Bundy should pay his grazing fees like other ranchers on public land: 31.7%

  • I support neither. Bundy's arguments are flawed, and the BLM's power is excessive: 46.6%