A new online poll conducted after the stoppage began asked readers, “What impact has the federal government shutdown had on your operation?”

Some 70 percent of those responding said, “None: Washington’s problems haven’t created any effect for my ranch.”

Another 22 percent indicated “Some impact: The shutdown is inconvenient, but I’m working around it.”

Just 7 percent said “A major impact: My work and operation has been hurt by the powers in Washington.”

Federal offices went back to work Oct. 16, after being closed since Oct. 1. The shutdown occurred after Congress failed to pass a budget appropriating dollars for the new fiscal year, which started Oct. 1.


Nearly 800,000 workers were on furlough, with many more continuing to do work for security purposes, but with limited or no pay. The shutdown had an impact on USDA agencies, websites and market reports, including a delay in the Cattle on Feed report for the middle of the month.

The agreement passed by Congress on Oct. 16 funds the government through Jan. 15, 2014 and temporarily lifted the debt limit until Feb. 7, 2014.

Check out our new poll asking about the recent drop in corn prices, and how long it will last.  end mark

What impact has the federal government shutdown had on your operation?

  • A major impact: My work and operation has been hurt by the powers in Washington: 7.4%

  • Some impact: The shutdown is inconvenient, but I'm working around it: 22.2%

  • None: Washington's problems haven't created any effect for my ranch: 70.4%