Leptospira hardjo-bovis is associated with early embryonic deaths, poor conception rates, weak calves as well as other reproductive losses in cattle.

Express FP 5-VL5 offers five-way viral protection and protection against Lepto hardjo-bovis in just one syringe. Lepto hardjo-bovis (Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis) is the only hardjo that is isolated in the United States; all cattle herds are at risk for infection from it.

In a recent study, challenged heifers vaccinated with Express FP 5-VL5 were 100 percent protected against urinary shedding of Lepto hardjo-bovis, while urine culture tests for all heifers in the control group were positive.

This new product also includes antigens for bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and parainfluenza-3 (PI3), as well as new label claims for prevention of urinary shedding of Lepto hardjo-bovis and aids in the prevention of key respiratory viruses.

The expanded respiratory label adds to the reproductive protection in beef and dairy cattle that Express FP products have long been known for.


The Express FP line of vaccines for breeding animals offers producers the original written guarantee that no calf persistently infected with BVD will be born from a properly vaccinated cow. It is reproductive and respiratory protection that producers can count on every time.